Star Wars Guest Blog #3 - Mark Newbold of Jedi News

12/28/2012 10:09am

 Star Wars #1 by Brian Wood is coming in January and we asked fans to share their excitement with all of you. This week we have Mark Newbold chatting about his love of Star Wars and how long he's been a fan. Be sure to check out the site that he co-owns at Jedi News

So, why am I so excited about the new Star Wars title by Brian Wood launching in January 2013?  Let me explain.

I'm fortunate enough to not only be the co-owner of Jedi News, the UK's biggest Star Wars fansite but to also have been a contributor to the Star Wars Insider for the past 6 years.  At Celebration VI last August I was on the Insider panel, alongside my Jedi News co-owner James Burns, my friend and editor of the Insider Jonathan Wilkins, event co-ordinator Mary Franklin, keeper of the Holocron Leland Chee and Essential Atlas co-author Jason Fry.  In such esteemed company (and without my own mic) I didn't field too many questions, but one that I did take regarded this very series and it was something I felt very passionately about.

As readers will know, the new title takes a look at a classic era of Star Wars - the time after the destruction of the first Death Star over Yavin and the flight of the Rebellion from their base on Yavin IV to find a new base of operations - but from (no apologies) a certain point of view.

As a fan of the Marvel run from 1977 to 1986 that covered 107 issues, three annuals and a mini series I consider those adventures as much a part of Star Wars cannon as anything else, but why not find stories that sit in the spaces between spaces?  Why not delve deeper into the mind of a young farmboy thrust from obscutiry on a sun blighted world to being the most wanted man in the galaxy?  Why not explore the motivations that brought cynical smuggler Han Solo back to aid the Rebellion in their most desperate hour?  Or consider the depth of loss Princess Leia would have felt having watched her entire world vaporised before her very eyes.

Sure, Star Wars is pitched at kids, but kids are always learning lessons as they grow and this new seris gives us the chance to tell new stories, visit familiar touchstones of stories past and divine the changes these events wrought on this bunch of extraordinary young people (ok, maybe Chewie, Artoo and Threepio weren't so young, but you get my drift).

So why am I looking forward to this new series?  Because I LOVE Star Wars, and this has the chance to ease us into the Sequel era starting in 2015 with a jet-fuelled blast of pure, classic and best of all intelligent Star Wars.  I cannot wait! 

Mark Newbold

 Co-owner | Jedi News - Gathering news from across the Star Wars galaxy... 

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