The Strain: The Night Eternal #1 Review Roundup

08/20/2014 12:39pm
“Creepy. . .  [and] chill inducing.”--ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY
“A thrilling read.”--COMICVINE (5 out of 5 stars)
“The Strain is an aggressive response to the romanticized obsession with polite horror that has populated pop-culture over the past decade, the anti-Twilight and True Blood, as it replaces coifed, beautiful and sensual vampires involved in good-natured and saccharine violence, with visceral, brutal and unforgiving monsters, with a character-centric focus that highlights the gravitas of the vampires’ actions.. . .  The Night Eternal is abjectly terrifying. . . engaging and haunting.”--13th DIMENSION
“Dark, gruesome, and filled with intrigue.”--COMIC MONSTERS
“The nightmare imagery of Mike Huddleston will send a chill down your spine that digs deep into your soul.”--COMIC BASTARDS
It’s been two years since the Master’s plan succeeded and a near apocalypse coated the world in darkness. Now able to roam freely, the Master’s legion of vampires rule the world—a horrifying police state where humans are harvested for blood.

“Creepy. . .  [and] chill inducing.”—Entertainment Weekly

“A thrilling read.”—Comicvine (5 out of 5 stars)

“The Strain is an aggressive response to the romanticized obsession with polite horror that has populated pop-culture over the past decade, the anti-Twilight and True Blood, as it replaces coifed, beautiful and sensual vampires involved in good-natured and saccharine violence, with visceral, brutal and unforgiving monsters, with a character-centric focus that highlights the gravitas of the vampires’ actions.. . .  The Night Eternal is abjectly terrifying. . . engaging and haunting.” —13th Dimension

“Dark, gruesome, and filled with intrigue.”—Comic Monsters

“The nightmare imagery of Mike Huddleston will send a chill down your spine that digs deep into your soul.”—Comic Bastards

The Strain: The Night Eternal #1 is out now! Check out free preview pages here!
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