5 Questions with a Writer - Joseph Malozzi: Dark Matter

12/22/2011 10:00am

Welcome to the next big thing in Sci-Fi Comics! Dark Matter is set to hit shelves Jan. 11th 2012 and we're honored to have Joseph Malozzi on board to help bring something new to the world of comics. We asked Joseph a few questions to get things started. He generously took a few moments to ease inquiring minds. 


Dark Horse Comics: You are quite the prolific TV Writer. What was the most challenging part of transitioning to working in the comics medium?

Joseph Malozzi: Dark Matter existed as a television pilot script first. The challenge came in translating that script to the comic book page. As someone who is accustomed to thinking in terms of shot directions and dialogue, it was no simple task to start thinking in terms of pages and panels. When you write a script, the actual staging of the scenes are in the hands of the director; it’s up to him/her to visualize a scene. When writing for comics, on the other hand, you are both writer and director. I tried to give my artist, Garry Brown, as much leeway as possible in envisioning the story—at times, a little too much leeway, as my editor, Patrick Thorpe, would occasionally ask me to provide more details on the characters, props, and various scenes.

Ultimately, I found my groove, and that pilot script conveniently timed out into two issues (with a nice cliff-hanger in between). Although I didn’t have a script for the conclusion of the opening arc, I had the story in my head. Freed of the necessity to transition from television to comic book script, I had a much easier time writing issues #3 and #4.

DHC: What would you compare Dark Matter to in the sci-fi genre?

JM: Ah, there’s an obvious answer here, but giving it would spoil one of the many surprises in store. Let’s talk after issue #2.

DHC: What’s been the best part of working on the comics?

JM:The best part of working on the comic has been working in comics. Seriously. I’ve been a big comic book fan through most of my life, so the opportunity to work in the genre has been great. Comic books allow the creator a certain freedom denied most writers in film and television, so the experience has been a creatively rewarding one as well.

DHC: What can we expect from Dark Matter?

JM: Can I say "the unexpected"? Twists, turns, surprises, shocking revelations, thrilling adventures, sci-fi, humor, and engaging characters, off the top of my head.

DHC: We always end with this one: If you had a superpower, what would it be?

JM: The ability to time travel, of course. I could jump to the future, read the scripts for future issues, then come back to the present and write them, saving myself considerable time and effort.

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