Posts tagged with Kubert

"Usagi Yojimbo" Creator Stan Sakai Wins Inaugural Joe Kubert Storyteller Award

05/21/2018 2:00pm
Dark Horse is thrilled to congratulate our longtime friend and partner Stan Sakai as the first winner of the Joe Kubert Distinguished Storyteller Award presented to the celebrated cartoonist Saturday at Ontario's Comic Con Revolution. Sakai is best known as the creator of the iconic anthropomorphic rabbit ronin Usagi Yojimbo, a fan-favorite comic series that has delighted generations since 1984. Read more...

Joe Kubert 1926-2012

08/13/2012 3:39pm
Joe was a pleasure to know and to work with. His immense talent is legendary, and his influence on the comics industry is unquestioned. While his work lives on for future generations, he leaves a void that can never be filled. We’ll miss you, Joe. Read more...


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