Posts tagged with chestney

An Era Untold: An Interview with Star Wars: The Old Republic writer Rob Chestney

08/27/2010 9:34am
Chances are if you know anything about online gaming, you've heard about Bioware's newest MMO, Star Wars: The Old Republic. But before you sit down to play this much-anticipated game, pick up a copy of Dark Horse's new Star Wars: The Old Republic comic, which will shed some light on the game's story and the little documented era in the Star Wars universe in which it takes place. We recently asked Bioware... Read more...
Bioware's newest MMO, Star Wars: The Old Republic. But before you sit down to play this much-anticipated game, pick up a copy of Dark Horse's new Star Wars: The Old Republic comic, which will shed some light on the game's story and the little documented era in the Star Wars universe in which it takes place. We recently asked Bioware...">


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