Posts tagged with fishlabs

Dark Horse and Deep Silver Fishlabs Offer Free Digital Comic

Dark Horse and Deep Silver Fishlabs Offer Free Digital Comic

12/08/2016 9:34am
Dark Horse and Deep Silver FISHLABS are excited to start their partnership with a coordinated release of the Galaxy on Fire 3 - Manticore game and the digital comic tie-in Galaxy on Fire 3 - Manticore: Glowing Embers. Matthew Ritter writes the comic while Agustin Alessio and Gabriel Rearte lend their illustrative skills. Ramon Bunge colors the art and Nate Piekos letters... Read more...
Dark Horse and Deep Silver FISHLABS are excited to start their partnership with a coordinated release of the Galaxy on Fire 3 - Manticore game and the digital comic tie-in Galaxy on Fire 3 - Manticore: Glowing Embers. Matthew Ritter writes the comic while Agustin Alessio and Gabriel Rearte lend their illustrative skills. Ramon Bunge colors the art and Nate Piekos letters...">


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