Posts tagged with beyond

Dark Horse Honors Japan's Master Artist with Illustrated Biography

Dark Horse Honors Japan's Master Artist with Illustrated Biography

05/03/2018 11:00am
Dark Horse is thrilled to reveal details from the upcoming Yoshitaka Amano: The Illustrated Biography—Beyond the Fantasy. Author Florent Gorges (The History of Nintendo, Vol. 1: 1889-1980), one of France's leading video game historians, sets out to explore the 50 years thus far in the career of legendary artist Yoshitaka Amano (Final Fantasy). Read more...
Dark Horse and Rare Set Sail With ''The Art of Sea of Thieves''

Dark Horse and Rare Set Sail With ''The Art of Sea of Thieves''

11/07/2017 10:30am
Dark Horse and Rare are excited to announce the perfect companion piece to Rare’s Sea of Thieves game, The Art of Sea of Thieves. Read more...
Manga Monday: Blade of the Immortal on the Silver Screen

Manga Monday: Blade of the Immortal on the Silver Screen

11/06/2017 2:15pm
Can you imagine making 100 films (and counting) in a career? That's an incredible number, an incredible feat, and something that, with the release of Blade of the Immortal, legendary filmmaker Takashi Miike has accomplished. Read more...


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