Kurosagi Corpse Delivery Service
Volume 6
There's competition on all sides in the body-baggage game, when Kurosagi finds its rather loose business model challenged by a corporate rival who guarantees the next world on time! But it's not only the clean-cut trying to dig into their market—the oddball duo calling itself the White Heron Corpse Cleaning Service aren't just out to eat Kurosagi's wormy lunch; they're going to start revealing trade secrets—namely, the hideous history behind the ghost that haunts Karatsu!
• For mature readers.
"The whole thing adds up to an excellent, well-packaged, and, at times, genuinely terrifying story that is hands down--and I say this without my standard hyperbole--one of the best horror comics I've read in the past five years."
—Chris Sims, Chris's Invincible Super-Blog
- Writer:
- Eiji Otsuka
- Artist:
- Housui Yamazaki
- Cover Artist:
- Bunpei Yorifuji
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Volume 7