Dark Horse brings U.S. fans an English translation for the first time ever! Created by Kentaro Miura, Berserk is manga mayhem to the extreme—violent, horrifying, and mercilessly funny—and the wellspring for the internationally popular anime series. Not for the squeamish or the easily offended, Berserk asks for no quarter—and offers none. Proudly presented in the original Japanese right-to-left format, this is one X-rated thrill ride you have to see for yourself!
"The news of the death of Kentaro Miura has been devastating. It has been my honor to have edited the Dark Horse editions of Berserk, and I have been consistently amazed at the imagination, depth of character, and audacious energy of the series, an ever-evolving epic that rivals any adult fantasy work from any medium. Miura-sensei poured his heart into Berserk for over thirty years, crafting more than eight thousand pages of extraordinary storytelling. Those of us who have been touched by his work humbly raise our swords to the passing of a giant."- Chris Warner, Editor of Berserk and more