Color Special #5:
The Artist
The artist of 47 Ronin returns to his signature creation in a new one-shot collecting four Usagi Yojimbo tales in full color, from the pages of Dark Horse Presents and MySpace DHP! In this issue, Usagi encounters ghosts, thugs, pumpkins (?!), and a foreign artist with a price on his head! Collects “Saya,” “Buntori,” “The Artist,” and the much-lauded “Cut the Plum”! from Dark Horse Presents #7, #35, and #36, and MySpace Dark Horse Presents #18 and #35!
32 pages of color stories and a perfect entry point for new readers!
Contains a preview of Usagi Yojimbo: Senso #1!
- Writer:
- Stan Sakai
- Artist:
- Stan Sakai
- Colorist:
- Tom Luth
- Cover Artist:
- Stan Sakai
Next Issue

Usagi Yojimbo Volume 8: Shades of Death