Free Comic Book Day 2023 (All Ages)
Get set for adventure with stories from the farthest reaches of a galaxy far, far way; as well as the world of Avatar: The Last Airbender! In Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures the galaxywide conflict between the Jedi Order and the Nihil intensifies, and a shuttle full of younglings gets caught in the crossfire! In Avatar: The Last Airbender, Aang and his friends come across a village decimated by the Fire Nation. One survivora young child named Luumirefuses to open up to anyone except fellow Earth Kingdom native Toph.
- Writers:
- Amy Chu, Daniel José Older
- Artists:
- Harvey Tolibao, Kelly Matthews, Nichole Matthews
- Colorists:
- Michelle Madsen, Kelly Matthews, Nichole Matthews
- Cover Artist:
- Daniel José Older
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Free Comic Book Day 2023 (General)