Kurosagi Corpse Delivery Service
Volume 1
Your body is their business! Five broke young students at a Buddhist university find little call for their job skills in today's Tokyo...among the living, that is! But their special skills give them a direct line to the dead—the dead who are still trapped inside their bodies, and can't move on to the next reincarnation! It may be tough to collect from a corpse...but whether you died from suicide, murder, sickness, or madness, they'll carry your body anywhere it needs to go to free your soul!
A young singing idol finds she can't escape others' obsessions, even by killing herself...an elderly woman is discovered mummified within an altar...a single body may be the victim of multiple murder...people fall prey to strangely probable deaths...and this is just the first volume of The Kurosagi Corpse Delivery Service!
Described as "Scooby-Doo meets Se7en" or even "Genshiken meets The X-Files," each volume of Kurosagi combines dark humor with bizarre horror that touches on everything from the latest Japanese fads to the most ancient Japanese legends!
• For mature readers.
• Original Japanese format.
• ""The whole thing adds up to an excellent, well-packaged, and, at times, genuinely terrifying story that is hands down--and I say this without my standard hyperbole--one of the best horror comics I've read in the past five years."—Chris Sims, Chris's Invincible Super-Blog
"It actually reminds me a lot of Mike Allred's work...it's an attractive book, and the stories are just beginning to really showcase Yamazaki's abilities as an artist."
—Greg McElhatton, Read About Comics
"I was sold by the first few pages...it's a lot of fun. It's a warped Saturday-morning cartoon for grown-ups."—David Welsh, Comic World News
- Writer:
- Eiji Otsuka
- Artist:
- Housui Yamazaki
- Cover Artist:
- Bunpei Yorifuji
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Volume 2