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The Making of Assassin's Creed: 15th Anniversary
An edition that celebrates fifteen years of the iconic Assassin's Creed video game saga!
Discover the genesis of each Assassin's Creed game and get an insider's look at the efforts that went into creating one the biggest franchises in the video game industry.
In observance of Assassin's Creed's fifteen-year anniversary, Ubisoft and Dark Horse Books have teamed up to create an extensive examination into the creation of the award-winning Assassin's Creed franchise. Featuring gorgeous art from over a decade-and-a-half of development, and detailed interviews with the games' past and present creators, this is the perfect companion piece for any aspiring Assassin.
- Writers:
- Alex Calvin, Ubisoft
- Writers:
- Alex Calvin, Ubisoft
- Publisher:
- Dark Horse Comics
- Genres:
- Art Book, Science-Fiction, Video Game
- Release date:
- Nov. 1, 2023