Several decades after the events in the popular Blood: The Last Vampire anime film, amnesiac Saya Otonashi lives as a seemingly normal high-school student with her adoptive family in Okinawa. Horrible nightmares are the only hints at the violent life she once led, but her past is about to catch up with her and awaken the merciless warrior within. Chiropterans—powerful shape-changing creatures who need and crave blood—threaten humanity once more, and a mysterious organization called the Red Shield needs Saya's deadly sword skills and mysterious powers to aid in the fight against these beasts. As her submerged abilities begin to reawaken and she seeks to regain her memories, Chiropteran warriors are guided by a mysterious leader to threaten Saya and her loved ones. Asuka Katsura's manga series successfully expands upon the original Production I.G/Aniplex feature, delivering moments of jarring violence and thrilling action in a tale that spans several centuries.
This bundle contains volumes 1 through 5, plus the one-shot Blood+: Kowloon Nights!
In this bundle
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Read Now Checkout Pre-Ordered Manage Pre-OrdersUnavailable for purchase in Your credit card on file lists an address in . If this is incorrect, please update your payment information.Checkout*If you acquire a bundle, but already own some of the books in it, you'll get gift codes for each one that you can give to your friends!Volume 1
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Blood+ 2Read Now Checkout Pre-Ordered Manage Pre-OrdersUnavailable for purchase in Your credit card on file lists an address in . If this is incorrect, please update your payment information.Checkout*If you acquire a bundle, but already own some of the books in it, you'll get gift codes for each one that you can give to your friends!Blood+
Blood+ 3Read Now Checkout Pre-Ordered Manage Pre-OrdersUnavailable for purchase in Your credit card on file lists an address in . If this is incorrect, please update your payment information.Checkout*If you acquire a bundle, but already own some of the books in it, you'll get gift codes for each one that you can give to your friends!Blood+
Blood+ 4Read Now Checkout Pre-Ordered Manage Pre-OrdersUnavailable for purchase in Your credit card on file lists an address in . If this is incorrect, please update your payment information.Checkout*If you acquire a bundle, but already own some of the books in it, you'll get gift codes for each one that you can give to your friends!Blood+
Blood+ 5
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